Showing posts from 2020Show All
Some Tiny Protein And Rice Cubes, Disguised As Meat Chunks.
2020 - A Dry Heave & A Little Cry.
Learning To Live With A Lack Of Love In Lockdown.
Rubbish Man, Also Rubbish Duck, Ends Murder By Relative.
Wrong In The Tooth, Alright To Be Peeved.
Hypocritical, Preachy & Long - Self Isolation, Day: Stopped Counting.
I Sometimes Need A Day Off If Excel Crashes - Self Isolation, Day 15.
Blubbering Meat Mask Sanitises Vaguely Philosophical Conundrum - Self Isolation, Day 11.
Wash Hands, Stay In, But Don't Lie To Me - Self Isolation, Day 6.
Technically, Hens Are Key Workers - Self Isolation, Day 4
While The World Burns, Why Not Warm Your Hands?