a little note about my notes not being little enough. It has been
brought to my attention – by those with not much attention – that
some of my posts are a little long and wordy. Short of accompanying
future ramblings with brightly coloured crayon drawings I struggle to
imagine how some points can be elucidated more simply. Still, from
now on I shall employ a technique I have decided to call the Bel-Kel
method. Those responsible will know who they are. Before each post I
shall offer a pathetically short, childish, shallow summation of what
follows. That way, if you don’t really want to be here reading
stuff, you don’t have to be. You can get back to colouring in,
straying outside of the lines and slurping fruit juice from a carton.
And so, the Bel-Kel version follows thus:
moan isn’t always pointless. Moaning about a moan is. So don’t,
and do something about it instead.
for those with an attention span and a reading age of above six, here
is an actual article with longish words and that. If you don’t have
time, don’t read it. But don’t moan that it’s too long. That’s
just silly.
I am prone to concentrate on the negative. Apparently. Don’t see it
myself, but there we are. I shall forever be seen as a pessimistic
type, ambling through life under a cloud of preemptive disappointment
and simmering rage, even when I’m actually feeling quite cheery.
Even when I’m positively beaming, like when I see an enemy verbally
lacerated or physically wounded, I will still be the miserable one.
That’s fine, I can deal with that. I don’t have a problem being
the one who moans, and will happily admit that I enjoy a good one
whenever I can. What I’m less happy about is the detrimental tone
used when uttering the word moan, as if it’s a bad thing. It’s
not. Always.
something is not to my satisfaction, when somebody has been a bit of
a prick, wherever there is injustice (as deemed by me), I will make
it perfectly clear. I’m kind of like a really low rent super hero
in that respect. So, should I have a particular grievance, say,
inconsiderate bastards stopping dead in the middle of town, as if
they were they only people on the planet, I will announce my opinion.
Often quite loudly. Or if there is a work place based rule set in
place that makes little to no sense, I will make clear my feelings on
that very foolishness. Often at high volume. Basically I find it very
difficult not to make my feelings known on any given topic,
especially if the topic is ‘something is wrong with something’.
talk about me and my fellow moaners as if we are causing a problem,
as if we’re not providing a valuable service, or what would be a
valuable service if anyone bloody well listened. You see, a moan is a
warning of sorts. A verbal recognition of some sort of failure in the
world, not always on a global scale but worth noting nevertheless. I
don’t moan just for my own sense of smug betterness, there are
other reasons as well. I like to think that, for each declaration of
dissatisfaction, someone might listen and do something about it.
Y’know, because they can, because it seems important enough to them
or something. I mention it because if I don’t, how will anybody
know that there’s anything wrong. If I don’t mention it, what
right do I have to be annoyed, because if I was really that annoyed
I’d probably mention it, because if i don’t mention it nobody
will hear it and if nobody hears it, no one will do anything about
it. So it will probably happen again, which would really annoy me.
I mention it.
is, you think I’m just moaning. Which I am, only without the just.
Some people don’t complain, gripe, propose problems or indeed moan.
They’re really weird, those people. Either there is nothing wrong
in their lives, or they’re normal, healthy people with normal,
healthy things to loathe and be irritated by. Things that, if
mentioned loud enough, could be fixed by someone who can. So next
time you hear what you consider to be a moan, actually have a listen.
It’s probably something relatively insignificant, something minor,
something possibly easily solved. Instead of tutting and rolling your
eyes, why not solve it easily. And if you have a problem with
something, instead of smiling and saying everything’s fine, why not
have a moan. What’s the worst that could happen?