has made me angry, very angry indeed, and that something is shorts.
Yeah, you read that correctly: shorts. Have a little chuckle, roll
your eyes and then kindly piss off. I don’t want you here if you’re
going to mock or condescend. In your absence I shall explain why
shorts, or more accurately a complete lack of shorts, have driven me
to bureaucracy fuelled rage. It may seem trivial and frivolous, it’s
not but it may seem that way. I’ll warn you though, that this
particular rant involves subjects such as equality, gender, choices,
hypocrisy and male, knee length leg wear. That’s right. Shit just
got real.
shall cut to the chase. It is forbidden to wear shorts in the
workplace, or at least my workplace, which to me is the workplace, so
my description stands. Even on a ‘dress down’ or ‘casual’ day
– a day which isn’t any more casual than any other day, in that a
day is a measure of time, nor is it a day on which I choose to dress
down, in the sense of wearing any less – I am not allowed to don a
pair of knee skimmers. So, you may be thinking, what? People aren’t
allowed to bare ankle in the office, big deal. The thing is, that’s
not true. Some of the people in the office are. The ladies may wear a
knee length skirt on any day of the week. Also, should a VIP be
visiting, I am required to wear a long sleeved shirt and a tie, as
are similarly genitaled colleagues, while the beboobed among us may
show upper arm. In some cases I swear I’ve seen shoulder.
don’t hate the player, or playa or whatever, I hate the game.
Unless the player thinks its alright to have one set of rules for men
and one for women, then I hate the player as well. People should be
paid the same, people should be treated the same, and people should
be forced to pointlessly dress smartly in an office environment the
same, regardless of winkles and hoohaa’s. If you think that being
paid equally is more important than who is able to wear weather
appropriate attire Monday to Friday, you are wrong. If the essence of
equality is that we be treated the same, then the message behind the
shorts is just as strong as the message behind even financial reward.
You don’t get to say that women can have the same rights as men,
but get to keep the other perks as well, and that men can’t have
them because of stuff and things and but no because it’s different
isn’t it. It’s the same thing. It is the same. It is.
can’t I choose to wear a pair of heaven-to-goodness shorts on a
hot, sunny day? Do my shins not sweat? A smart pair, obviously,
unless it was a casual day and then a really laid back pair. The kind
of shorts that don’t really mind, possibly teamed with a nonchalant
t-shirt. On a dress down day it’d just be the shorts, naturally.
Generally, people seem to think I’m being ridiculous, and if you
don’t listen to all of their argument they sound quite convincing,
but it seems to me that if blokes were allowed to wear even three
quarter length trousers, and birds were asked to clad their
potentially distracting pins in cloth, there would be outrage. I
expect the Daily Mail would do a front page, ‘Women Short Changed”
or “Shorts: The Bare Facts (As Long As Your Facts Aren’t Legs And
You Aren’t A Woman). Something with shorts and women in it, a
little word play. There would be petitions, protests, vigilante
female office workers daring to flash a little ankle, only to be
escorted off the premises. A grumpy, ruffled looking thirty year old
man suggests that defining the leg wear of a gender based on the
permitted percentage of leg on view is, though farcical,
discrimination, and all he gets is gently humoured, fading to a
subtle sense of being an irritant.
right though. I am. I am right though, aren’t I. Statement, not a
question, so you can shush right up. I do realise that whether or not
I’m allowed to air my lower leg or upper arm on a summers day isn’t
as immediately important as Dick getting twice as much as Sally, I’m
just saying that at a ground sort of level, the justification behind
the reasoning equates. If you can’t see that you have a very tiny
mind and I recommend maintaining only base level operative capacity.
Possibly make basic meals, but try not to do too much, the sudden
movements will confuse you. If I’m honest, I’m probably gonna
just not wear shorts, moan about it for a while, and then slot the
stinging memory into the jigsaw of my personal inner torment. But
it’s possible I’ll write a letter, or send an email, or print a
t-shirt, or wear some fucking shorts, yeah, have that the man.
basically, shorts, yeah, they shouldn’t divide, they should unite
and support, yeah, and they need good pockets because shorts often
have loose pockets and change and keys and stuff falls out and you
lose it.